'You what?' Name game with follow-up interview/introduction task.

Icebreaker/ Name game : Dialogue : Introductions

I often use this ice-breaker activity on the first day with a new class. I’ve used it with university students, business classes and even at a teacher training workshop. It makes a change from the usual introduction round of ‘name, job, hobby’ and while there is a bit of fun to it, its educational enough for students who baulk at the idea of ‘games’ in a lesson for adults.

1. The name game.

Write your introduction on the board and highlight the alliteration.

‘I’m Lonely Laura and I like limes’ or ‘I’m Lazy Laura and I lived in London’.

Give students a minute or two to come up with their sentence. Each student will re-introduce the person who went before them, and then add their own introduction. If they are stuck for ideas, allow them to ask their neighbour. Begin and go around the circle.


Student 1 – ‘She’s Lonely Laura and she likes limes. I’m Fit Frank and I fry fish.’

Student 2 – ‘He’s Fit Frank and he fries fish. I’m Courageous Caroline and I cuddle cats.’

There will be a few laughs, particularly if people have been especially creative or the participants know each other.  When everyone has spoken, you can point to a few different students and ask the group ‘who’s this?’ Continue reading 'You what?' Name game with follow-up interview/introduction task.