Listening to the Experts – Podcasting in the Business English Classroom

(Recorded during Audacity demo)

In just over an hour my colleague Mia and I will be presenting here at   the IATEFL conference in Glasgow.

Instead of pacing nervously, I’m spending my lunch break writing this post. What a great distraction!

Here’s the link to our prezi presentation

We talk about the problems we have as ‘English Experts’ who are sent companies in different industries and expected to create very specialised courses and lessons, when we may have little understanding of what it is our students actually do.

Podcasting is one idea we use to get them to teach us about their jobs, industries and the challenges they face, while giving them opportunities for creative communication.

We look at examples of professional and semi-professional podcasts available for those learning English and discuss some typical features of podcasts:

We talk about different ways of doing it ourselves, or more importantly letting the ‘business experts’ do it.

What tasks can you give your students to get them started with recording themselves to share in class or with the world?

We talk about practical ways of setting this up – how to plan your lessons and how to get real use out of the finished products.


We created some easy screencasts on how to use Vocaroo and also Audacity (but there are hundreds of excellent tutorials on youtube to really get to grips with it.)

And how to publish a file on Podomatic.


So really, there is no excuse not to at least give it a try!

Best wishes from IATEFL 2017 in Scotland

Keep your fingers crossed for us! 😉